A New Color?

Should we add this to our site?

A New Color?

Recently we had the good fortune to meet Pam from Fort Myers. While we were discussing her remodel we went through a long list of possible shades and patterns.

After some back and forth and looking at samples, she came up with exactly the design she wanted. There was only one problem: it wasn’t on our web site.

So, we combined colors and styles from a couple other products and came up with something new. This isn’t always possible, but it came out great in this case. It was the perfect shade and design.

The result is pictured above.

So, the question is should we add this to our web site as one of our products? If so, what should we call it? We were thinking of Dusk. Let us know what you think. We love hearing from people.

After a long stretch of gorgeous winter weather, we were under a tornado watch last night and now its windy with intermittent rain. The perfect day to sit down and write a blog!



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